My Setup
Here are the tools I use in my VSCode setup, in case they help someone else.
For context, I primarily write/deal with:
- Python (Django)
- Javascript (Vue)
- Docker files
- Cloudformation/AWS tech stuff
- Gherkin files
- Go
- Hugo (for this blog)
Code Navigation
Bracket Pair Colorizer (1.0.61)
Useful for matching densely nexted brackets/parens by changing colors
indent-rainbow (7.4.0)
Makes everything in the same alignment the same color of indentation, and marks in red things that are off-standard-indentation.
Indenticator (0.7.0)
Highlights current indent level
vscode-json (1.5.0)
For beautifying/uglifying JSON
Code Formatting
Write crappy Python code and transform it into good stuff
Prettier (5.7.1)
Same idea, but for JS
filesize (2.1.4)
Show current file size in toolbar
Gherkin Table Formatter (1.0.3)
Hand formatting tables sucks, and this does it for you.
EditorConfig for VS Code (0.15.1)
Support for the Editorconfig standard
Python (2020.9.large)
Required for good Python experience.
Go (0.18.0)
Go snippets and macros.
Djaniero (1.4.2)
Django snippets
Vetur (0.28.0)
Tooling for Vue.
ESLint (2.1.13)
JS Linting
Hugo Snippets (0.4.1)
Convenient snippets for things like highlighting when writing in the Hugo blog.
Docker (1.7.0)
For navigating all the container infra.
Hadolint (0.3.0)
This one is excellent. It lints your Dockerfiles for antipatterns and suggests the more optimal way to do it. Write amateurish Dockerfiles and follow its advice to make good ones.
AWS Toolkit (1.15.0)
A really excellent addon. Puts a heads-up view of your AWS stack into your editor.
Cloudformation Linter (0.15.1)
Find problems in your Cloudformation yaml ASAP.